
Enabling microfinance groups to manage their finances better.

Starting in the Philippines, OROSCAS offers an online platform for microfinance groups to manage their mem- bers and saving and lending activities through the platform.

In emerging markets like the Philippines, a popular method of saving and borrowing money is by joining Rotating Savings & Credit Associations and Cooperatives. In both groups, members contribute a fixed amount on a regular basis to a group fund and members save and lend money from the common fund to another member in case that person needs it.

We are currently targeting two distinct microfinance groups: (1) Rotating Savings & Credit Associations (ROSCAs) which are informal groups of friends, co-workers or neighbors who want to save together and (2) Cooperatives which are mature and formalized ROSCAs that have already registered with the government.



Today, most ROSCAs and Coopera- tives are managed using notebooks and spreadsheets. With membership averaging 25 people for ROSCAs and 543 people for Cooperatives, tracking savings and loans without using software is a time consuming and error prone ordeal.

They are losing money due to errors in their manual processes and they are wasting a lot of time by going through paper records. These manual processes result in wrong computations, late delivery of reports and delays in collection of payments.

Unfortunately for them, traditional banking software which big banks use costs $100,000 and up and are not practical for smaller microfinance in- stitutions who cannot afford these huge upfront capital costs.



Oroscas is a secure digital platform and reporting system that delivers accurate and timely information when staff and members need it. Through automated notifications and reminders, tracking contributions, payments and collections becomes so much easier. Using the Software as a Service model, there is no barrier to entry, they only have to pay an affordable monthly fee to access our service. Our platform is deployed in the cloud which enables members to easily and securely log in and check their accounts anytime and anywhere.


More information

Official – website
Creative Commons – mages
On – Ange List
On – Crunchbase
Contact: oroscas@jfdi.asia