
Memes! Emoji! Selfies! Lolcats!

High expectations Asian fathers! Overly attached girlfriends! Animated GIFs!

And now, MOLOME! A new way for 13–26 year old smartphone users to waste time on the Internet!

MOLOME helps people appear funnier, cleverer, hipper online, by helping them mark up their photos with text and stickers.



Our team have a background in web and mobile app development. We came out of an app development house and work well together. We pay as much attention to business as to tech. Our team rigorously explores ways to increase user adoption and retention. All the methodologies of growth hacking apply to Molome: we can test and iterate instantly to find the things that will turn into a viral sensation.

  • Chaiyos Arthur, CEO & Co-Founder. He comes from an entrepreneur family. He spent his summer holidays following his father visiting customers throughout Thailand. He was the President of the Student Council at Assumption University, and got his Bachelors in Computer Engineering from there. He dropped out from graduate school to focus on his Internet and telecommunication business. In his spare time, Arthur enjoys scuba diving, underwater photography and wrestling with his 3 dogs at home.
  • Sittiphol Phanvilai, CTO & C0-Founder. He completed his Master in Computer Engineering from Chulalongkorn University. At 8 years old, he decided to learn English language and gave up because he doesn’t like the teacher. He then learnt computer languages by himself. He is the serial winner of many global contests, and is the founder of Droidsans; the 2nd biggest smartphone users community in Thailand. He is a regular guest speaker and advisor to many tech events in Thailand. Sittiphol has keen interest in photography, cooking and knitting! OMG!
  • JC Xu, Co-Founder. He got his B.B.A. Information System from Mahidol University International College. He spend a year in Shanghai and Tianjin studying Chinese and traveling around China. He developed his interest in e-commerce 5 years ago and is now an eBay Power seller. He enjoys partying, working out at gym and playing soccer. He is a loyal fan of the poor old Manchester United. His dream is to one day sleep inside Old Trafford Stadium.


More information

Official wwebsite
Creative Commons images
On Angel List
On Crunchbase