Drive and Passion

Jan 9, 2010 Wisdom 0 comments

Drive and passion are not the same thing, but they are often confused by those who have not truly considered whether they are living deferred life versus whole life Life Plans.

Drive is a commitment that pushes you towards something you are compelled or obliged to deliver.

Eric Berne identified five typical drivers which could be characterised as Erroneous Beliefs and Irrational Thoughts. Among these, it is arguable that drives to always Try Harder, Be Strong and Always Hurry can become neurotic fixations in entrepreneurs under stress.

Passion pulls you toward something you cannot resist.

Mihály Csíkszentmihályi describes the mental state in which someone is fully immersed in what he or she is doing by a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and success in the process of the activity as flow.

Healthy entrepreneurship is one expression of flow: it will always be hard work but it must be fulfilling or you’ve chosen the wrong path. Don’t be driven. Follow your passion.