SingTel Startup Weekend Singapore winner will be guaranteed a place on the JFDI–Innov8 2012 Bootcamp

Sep 28, 2011 Uncategorized 0 comments

It’s been an intense few days since we launched our partnership with Singtel Innov8 on Monday and, at last, we can confirm some more details. The most significant of which is that the winning team of the SingTel Startup Weekend Singapore will fast-track our normal selection process and be guaranteed a place on the JFDI–Innov8 2012 bootcamp. It’s a life-changing chance to participate in a process modelled on the hugely successful TechStars formula, one which sees 70% of companies going through make it to seed investment.

For anyone who missed the announcement, we’ve hooked up with SingTel Innov8 to run a series of Startup Weekend events around the region. They will give hundreds people of people the chance to bring ideas to life in a 54-hour marathon, starting on a Friday night and ending up with a demonstration on Sunday evening.

The first of these events will be here in Singapore on 14–16 October. It’s a chance to meet a bunch of smart people – designers, coders and entrepreneurs – and thrash out a working prototype for a business in just 54 hours. It’s about doing rather than talking. Less of a conference and more of a workshop, aimed at people who enjoy ideas and possibilities but like seeing them turn into reality even more.

You might just want to meet some great people and see what you can achieve together in a weekend. You might be bursting to try out an idea and want to hook up with some others who can make it happen. Or you could be focussed on building a digital business and looking for partners. If any of those are true for you, sign up here.